High School Vs College: Compare And Contrast

As we grow older, life presents many challenges and we are often pressured to excel in school. All the years spent in school are intended to prepare students for college. While college is only one step beyond high school, there are many similarities between high school and college students. These differences are significant in terms of their economic, social, and personal aspects. The first year of college is where there is the biggest difference between highschool and college. The freshman year in college is a time when students have more autonomy than ever before. Although it may seem bad to move away from their families to live with strangers, this experience will help them deal with conflict and be ready for the real world. Student’s high school years are brought back by the pressure and excitement of their first day in college. The first day is stressful for students. Students can feel exhausted from all the late nights and early mornings. High school students can expect to spend approximately 40 hours in class each week and must attend 5 days per week. Students must learn the most important information and keep up with their classmates. However, you will spend about half of your time in college studying. While this may seem like a great deal, it’s not. College students will spend only 15-18 hours per week in classes. Professors expect students to know the most material from class. Each class is approximately fifty minutes long and can take up to three hours. Students must learn to manage their time well in order to make the most of their free time. College students are known for procrastinating, rushing assignments and not finishing their work by the deadline. You will lose many of your high school friends as you go to college. Most high school students have a “clique” of close friends that they’ve been with since junior high. They get together for lunch, then go home to their families after school. Although they have no responsibilities, their lives are great. In college, however, this is not true. No matter your high school status, college is open to all. Students can create the life they want. College friends can be life-long friends. These are the friends that will always be there for you, and they will never let you down. The choice is yours whether you choose to go to college. The cost of college education is the responsibility of the student. Student who doesn’t meet their expectations can be charged for the education. Students pay twice as much to go to college than they did in high school. The consequences and choices made by each student are their responsibility. High school provides free books and resources. This is the most exciting time in a student’s high school career. A student’s education includes both high school and college. Good education is necessary to obtain a fulfilling occupation. College is only one step beyond high school. You go to college, take classes, study hard and do your homework. But they differ greatly in how you live, work, and what you value. High school tends to be more standardized, while college offers the opportunity for students who wish to broaden their knowledge and take on the career path they want. Both are equally important in education, but college is a new responsibility.


  • reubenyoung

    Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.



Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.

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