Reminiscing My First Day Of Grade 8

Eighth grade. It signifies both the end and the beginning of a new chapter. I awoke stretching out to turn off the alarm clock. It was my 8th grade debut, but also my last year in high school. I looked out of my window and saw the sun rising into the dark morning sky. It was beautiful. My mother called me to inform him that my brother would be late. I quickly snapped out from my thoughts. It was 7:50 p.m. I got up and walked to my dressing table, placing my feet on the ground. My appearance was pleasing so I headed downstairs to grab my bag and place both straps on my shoulder before going out the door.

The sky opened to a soft, blue-colored sky as the breeze gently brushed my cheeks. It was warm and the sun was shining on everything. Slowly pulling up towards the school, my hands were trembling as I tried to control my nervousness. After she had spoken encouraging words and a kind word, I got out of her car and waved goodbye. I took in a deep breath and walked back to school the same way we always do. My eyes wandered through the school’s grounds, trying to identify anyone I saw. It was impossible. I was only able to see the brightly colored backpacks for primary grades. I continued walking until i saw where all the grade-8’s would be lined-up. I felt completely lost. I felt so out of place. After taking a few steps more, I reached the point where the 8th graders would be meeting. I heard my name called several times, but couldn’t tell if it was someone calling me from the conversations and giggles all around me. It was clearer this time. My best friend was there when I turned to look. As I saw more familiar faces, my heart rate slowed down. I felt much better knowing I wasn’t alone with nerves due to the expressions on the faces of everyone.


  • reubenyoung

    Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.



Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.

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