The Effects Of 13 Reasons Why Series On Teenagers´ Behavior

Teenagers? Teenagers are influenced by many factors. This includes family, friends and media. Teens can be influenced by media in many areas, including identity, lifestyle, body images, and global issues.

Today, movies and tv are the most influential media tool for teens. These shows show a lot from their lives. Media is so much more than entertainment. Because it portrays a lot teenagers’ lives, it also delivers messages. Teenagers can take some of the ideas and behaviors they see from media. Netflix is the most popular platform to distribute series of this type. Shows that feature sensible topics aim to spark conversations and encourage viewers to think. While series can have a positive impact on viewers, they also need to be open to debates. Netflix?s 13 reason why has three seasons. Based on Jay Asher?s book. This fictional drama series portrays many real-life teenage issues. Clay Jensen’s suicide attempt by Hanna Baker is the subject of the series. Hanna Baker had suffered through a number of difficult high school events and left behind only 13 tapes explaining the circumstances and who made the decision. These tapes show the profound impact that these events had on her self-esteem and mental health. The series is targeted at young adults and teenagers. The main purpose of the series is to raise awareness and encourage productive conversations among viewers. This series’ controversy goes beyond the content and language used. It also concerns how the show depicts real high schools in America. Northwestern University found that 62% of teens agreed that the portrayal of high school is authentic. 80% of them said that their peers act and deal with problems exactly as the show depicts. This essay examines how teens in The United States responded to this series. This essay will focus on three topics: Teen suicide and teenagers. The impact on teens’ behavior and communication with their family members. There are many questions about the effects of explicit scenes in the show and the quotes/phrases surrounding them. Suicide is a major problem in America, especially for young adults. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2017, the suicide rate was second for people aged 10-24. Many mental health experts, including those who work in the Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, are concerned about the rise of suicide as a leading killer. The Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry highlighted the impact of the media’s depiction of suicide attempts in the series “13 Reasons Why”. It is worth mentioning how the suicide scene was created, the shocking language used, its purpose, and what it meant for teenagers. Opinion about the 13 Reasons Why Suicide Scene. Experts have concerns about the suicide scene. The scene lasts just over three minutes. Hanna stares at her reflection in the bathroom mirror and evaluates her life. Hanna then takes a razor blade to cut her left wrist. Hanna can only focus on Hanna’s pain as she screams, her arms bleeding, and is left breathless. Hanna’s mom soon discovers that Hanna is dead. Hanna’s mother shows her pain by pointing out Hanna?s family and friends. A scene like this could trigger a lot emotions in parents of children who are struggling with mental illness. This is why Hanna’s mom finds her daughter dead in the bathtub. There was a lot discussion between mental health professionals about the effectiveness of the series and what it meant. People involved in filming 13 Reasons Why outlined some of their motivations for doing that scene. Brian Yorkey (1999) stated that the creator wanted to convey the terrible reality of suicide with such vivid detail in season 1. That fits perfectly with Nic Sheff’s story. Nic wrote in Vanity Fair about his battle to have suicide depicted on the show. This was based on his personal story. It was about the moment he committed suicide. And how a woman had told him about her death. It was also a concern that teens could identify more easily with the character encouraging copycat suicide. Phrases such “When you feel empty” are examples. No one. It’s almost like you’re in a coma and nobody will help you. “I wanted to have a purpose…a reason for being here on this earth.” “I thought about how everyone would live without me,” Hanna said. There are many ways to do things differently, so it is important that we discuss mental health. Clay’s pain is sometimes relieved by phrases like “memories of my pain”. They can also be torture, illustrating the devastating effects of suicide on loved ones

Each person reacts differently to the scene. Teens who have been through similar situations might find their reactions more sensible. Suicide contagion in teens, a well-known phenomenon that results from exposure to suicidal behavior, was a concern for both experts and survivors. Teen Vogue published their thoughts on the scene. Most of them felt that the show was giving a “step by Step Guide” for suicide, romanticizing the idea, and avoiding mental health issues Hanna may have experienced. Teens who aren’t struggling should find it different. Teen Vogue asked them their thoughts on the scene. While it wasn’t shocking to them, others could be misunderstood the message. Teen Vogue also did not discuss mental illness or its overcoming. It also shows suicide as revenge. This highlights important findings. Hanna left tapes of those who influenced her suicide choice. This is where the lackluster discussion about mental healthcare is evident. For someone who knows enough about mental health, they can see patterns and know when it is best to make a decision. The show may not make it clear or avoid the topic, so viewers who don’t know the character can feel like they are being guided by a suicide expert. Statistics should prove the truth. JAACAP’s research entitled “Association between the Release Netflix?s 13 Reasons why and Suicide Rates In the United States: A Interrupted Time Series Analysis” found that suicide rates among youth would increase if the series was released. They used data from the CDC?s Web-based suicide prevention statistics to analyze suicide rates for one month prior and after the series was released. The series was released for teens aged 17 and older. However, they did not find any evidence linking the series to the suicides. The suicide rates of boys were higher than those of females, with no statistically significant difference. Suicide contagion – This is an important aspect to be aware of. It only affects those who identify strongly and who commit suicide. Because suicide contagion occurs when people are unable to stop themselves from dying, and the language is great for that, one would expect to see a male youth suicide rate in the research. Daniel Romer’s January 2020 research article, “Reanalysis of the Bridge et al.” supports this conclusion. Research on suicide after 13 Reasons Why has shown that teenage boys experienced an increase in their suicide rate. Although this could have been caused by suicide contagion, such as boys, it had not affected them. The suicide rate for teens in America has been increasing due to a lack of portrayal and language. The positive impact of 13 Reasons Why on teenagers who are not struggling was due to the use of language which is useful in identifying patterns and preventing suicide. The show’s portrayal of the terrible consequences that suicide brings, not just with those who are in crisis but also their loved ones, is a great help for anyone. Papageno Effect helps reduce copycat deaths by using a specific type or portrayals. These do not feature sensationalists features but are focused on social messages. Teenagers now have more media access than ever before. This means that it is not just the whole family watching the same program. It is now a specialized viewing, with each person focusing on their own particular topic. This makes it harder to start important conversations due to the content of these programs. Teenagers also need guidance. You might need to be guided by relatives or counselors if you are a teenager. Teenagers should also be able to openly share their feelings with others. 13 ReasonsWhy covers many important, but also difficult topics related to teenage life. An easy-to-use show with a detailed depiction of highschool life and language allows teenagers to strengthen relationships with their peers. The impact of this show can vary depending on the teenager’s mental state.


  • reubenyoung

    Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.



Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.

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