Causes And Effects Of Tardiness Among Students

Table of Contents

Definition of Tardiness

Tardiness Problems

Essay: Causes and Effects of Lateness




Definition of Tardiness

It is an example of disorderly behaviour. Tardiness is a behavior that many students have adopted as a habit. This unwritten habit can be transmitted from student-to-student. Tardiness refers to being slow-witted or sluggish, not following the timetable or schedule.

Lauby (2009) defines tardiness as “people who do not arrive on time”. Weade (2004) also contributed to the discussion by defining tardiness as being more than a few minutes late. Sto. Nino Academy of Bamban Incorporated counts a student as tardy when they arrive after a flag ceremony.

This essay explains the causes of lateness and their effects.

Problems with TardinessTardiness has become a “frustrating”, and recurring problem in schools today (Sprick & Daniels 2007). Cowan Crier, the Newsletter for Cowan Avenue Elementary school Community (2007) reports that Tardiness has become a major problem in some schools. This article added that an occasional tardy was not a major problem. Sometimes, it is impossible to avoid.

R.Eldred, (2016) says that children’s tardiness or absence affects the school’s capability to provide effective educational programs, their achievement, and how other students learn. Zeiger (n/d), cites that students learn best in the early morning hours, specifically between 8:00 and 9:30AM. Students are alert and most perceptive when this occurs.

The most important subjects and lessons are also discussed during this time. In this way, students who are absent or tardy during these times miss the most important lessons. They also lose out on the ability to remember and understand the material. ETC (2009) stated that punctuality and regular attendance are of utmost importance to ensure that all students can access the curriculum. Students who are late or absent lose valuable learning time.

Why are people late?

Is it possible to sleep late at night and wake up late the next day?

A measure of the anxiety levels in a person

Enjoying late-night movies

Distance between a student’s residence and their school

Students may be late for school due to unforeseen circumstances, such as parent’s poorly-timed errands.

The culture of tardiness can be cultivated by other family members. Students who arrive late to school are encouraged by lack of policy or consequences. According to Santillano’s (2010) study, personality traits such as low self-esteem or anxiety are factors that contribute to tardiness. While some theorists regarded tardiness as a “natural quality”, since being early or on time is “partially influenced by our biology”, and she agreed, others believed that “chronically tardy people” get benefits from their tardiness.

Delonzor’s (2002) study included 225 participants and revealed seven different types of lateness. She identified three common characters who are frequently late. She categorised one of them as a “deadliner”. They are subconsciously attracted to the adrenaline rush that comes from finishing a task last-minute. Procrastinators need a target to stay motivated. They often struggle to meet the required timeframe because they procrastinate too much.

Then comes the producer. They try to do a lot in a small amount of time. Overloading themselves, they become unproductive. They will set up a class meeting, make a call to a colleague, text a friend, or photocopy something during the break. Thirdly, there are the professors who get distracted. The professors are unable to get from one place without stopping in several places between.

In a study conducted by Pimentel & Quijada, 60 participants were asked if Facebook late-night uses affect tardiness. Three out of sixty respondents said that Facebook late-nights caused them to be always late. Eight said that Facebook late-nights made them sometimes late. Twelve said that Facebook late-nights make them rarely late. And 37 said that Facebook late-nights never cause their tardiness. Nakpodia, Dafiaghor and others (2011) have highlighted the impact of tardiness on the community. Students who arrive late disrupt class and cause disruptions to the teacher. Students who ask late students to catch them up are put under a lot of pressure. After identifying the effects that tardiness or being late can have, it’s important to find solutions.

Weade (2004) collected data from the schools that contributed students. The attendance, punctuality and punctuality data of students was collected based on unexcused absences or tardiness. The study concluded that absences, tardiness and grade point are all related among students in high schools. Students with higher grades are those who have better attendance and punctuality. Her research also revealed that punctuality and attendance of students do not remain consistent throughout the entire year. During the second half of the year, the number of tardiness and absenteeism increased. The gender of students in high school has not been found to have any impact on their attendance or punctuality.

EffectsTardiness is a problem among students. It can affect their performance in school and general well-being. Being late for class can have a number of negative effects. They may find it hard to keep pace with their peers, since they might not be able to understand what was taught in their absence. This can result in a growing gap between students that are regularly on time and those that are not.

Students who arrive late for class can suffer social and emotional consequences. When students arrive late they can feel embarrassed and ashamed, which can negatively impact their self-esteem. It also makes it more difficult to establish positive relationships. Students may also feel stressed and anxious due to their tardiness. They worry about the possible consequences or how others will perceive them.

Students who are persistently late can face disciplinary measures. There are many policies that schools implement regarding punctuality. Students who frequently arrive late may face consequences like detention, expulsion, suspension, etc. These punishments are disruptive and can hinder a student from achieving their academic goals.

Final note: tardiness is a problem that can spread throughout the classroom. It can be distracting for other students to have a student arrive late. This is especially true in math and science subjects, where every lesson builds on previous ones. Too many students arriving late can lead to a chaotic learning environment.

In conclusion,

The effects of tardiness on students can be many and varied. They range from a lack of motivation to a loss in self-esteem or relationships with friends. Students must prioritize punctuality. They should also understand how their tardiness affects them and their peers. This will help create an environment that is more conducive to learning.


  • reubenyoung

    Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.



Reuben Young is a 39-year-old educational blogger and school teacher. He has been teaching in the United States for over 10 years, and has written extensively on educational topics. He is also a member of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), and has been honored with several awards.

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